Friday, March 11, 2011

Chicago and Detroit: On Vatican Assassin Alert...

Consider yourselves on high Vatican assassin/warlock alert, good people of the Midwest.

Charlie Sheen has announced a pair of live shows for April 2 and 3 in Detroit and Chicago, respectively. Says the actor of these performances:

The Look of Crazy

My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not An Option Show is coming for you. I'm going on the road. LIVE.

Will there be surprises? Will there be guests? Will there be mayhem? Will you ask questions? Will you laugh? Will you scream? Will you know the truth?

This IS where you will hear the REAL story from the Warlock. Bring it. I dare you to keep up with me.

Tickets are on sale now. Purchase them and learn a few winning recipes from the master.


Leighton Meester Drew Barrymore Brody Dalle Carla Campbell Angelina Jolie

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