Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mel Gibson gets probation, community service for punching Oksana in the face


These are photos of Mel Gibson entering and leaving the Los Angeles Superior Courthouse on Friday. As I wrote last week, Mel had decided to plead ?no contest? to a charge of battery (in the case of punching Oksana Grigorieva in the face), and the plea does not involve jail time. Mel showed up in court to formalize the plea deal, and receive his ?sentence? - 16 hours of community service and 52 weeks of counseling, which I guess is what women-beaters get in California. Oh, excuse me, that?s what RICH women-beaters get in California. Californians should be ashamed of their state?s legal system. Also, I have a question about these photos - does Mel Gibson look sane and sober in these pics? Or does he look? unhinged? I?ve been looking at them for ten minutes now, and I?m going with drunk and/or unhinged. Anyway, here?s TMZ?s dick-sucking version of Mel?s plea:

Mel Gibson just entered a plea of no contest to a charge of simple battery ? and with a little community service and counseling ? it?s like nothing ever happened.

Mel?s no contest plea relates to a domestic situation in which the alleged victim had a child with her. Mel?s entered what?s called a ?West Plea? ? which means he is allowed to maintain his innocence.

Under the plea agreement, Mel will do NO jail time. He must perform 16 hours of community service with a philanthropic organization, Mending Kids, and undergo 52 weeks of counseling ? he?s been seeing a counselor since January but will not get credit for the accrued time.

Beyond that ? Mel is required to have only ?peaceful contact? with Oksana Grigorieva ? it?s the same order he?s under in the family law custody case.

Mel was placed on 36 months informal probation. One of the terms of probation ? he cannot use force or violence against anyone. He was also hit with a protective order that gives Oksana the right to record their calls.

Mel?s lawyer, Blair Berk, told the judge her client entered the plea in the interests of his children ? so they wouldn?t have to endure a one-year legal fight, and that?s why he entered the plea.

[From TMZ]

Wow, he has to go three full years without beating anyone. I wonder if he?ll be able to do it?!? Anyway, there?s some additional junk that goes along with this, including Oksana allegedly preparing to file a civil suit against Mel? for the battery, I think. I don?t know at this point, Mel and Oksana both have so much pending legal junk against each other, it?s hard to keep up. Go here, to TMZ, to see more.

Oksana?s lawyers did release a statement after Mel?s plea, however. Oksana refused to give a personal statement, but her lawyers told Radar, ?The decision of the District Attorney was made after very careful consideration of all the facts and with complete fairness to all involved. During the investigation we cooperated fully. Ms. Grigorieva spoke numerous times with law enforcement. During those interviews she answered every question that she was asked. Ms. Grigorieva submitted releases for confidential information, waived attorney-client privilege and never invoked her Fifth Amendment rights. Ms. Grigorieva will now concentrate on co-parenting Lucia, resuming her charitable work for the children of Chernobyl and moving forward with her life. For these reasons, we have no further comment on this matter.?




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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