�??She�??s asked Reg to move in with her and he�??s agreed. He has met all the family and is a hit.�?�Friends say she Reg is a "calming influence" which is exactly what Amy needs.
�??It�??s been an incredible past few weeks for Amy. She has completely turned her life around. It has been a long time coming �?? and she�??s been writing songs for what seems an eternity �?? but finally Amy is satisfied and believes she has an album worthy of a four-year wait.�?��??It is very raw and very personal �?? it promises to be another classic. She is now narrowing down the material and hopes it�??ll be on shelves by the New Year.�?�I hope it's true that Amy has turned her life around - but we've heard "friends" saying this for years and it never ever sticks. Hopefully promoting this new album and having a steady relationship will keep her grounded long enough to deal with these demons head on. Outside forces are only bandages to her problems. Amy needs to figure this all out before it's too late.Photos by INF Continue reading
Piper Perabo Katherine Heigl Lily Allen Charisma Carpenter Vanessa Marcil
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