Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pregnant Jennie Finch Is 'Down to the Wire'

We?re at the end of celebrity blogger�Jennie Finch?s pregnancy!�The recently retired softball player is expecting her second child in late June and is sharing her experience with us monthly.

The Olympian, 30 ? who won gold in Athens and silver in Beijing ? and her husband, pitcher Casey Daigle, are already parents to son Ace Shane, 5.

You can find her online on Facebook�and @JFinch27 on Twitter.

Currently 39 weeks along, Finch writes about her last-minute preparations, great news ? the baby?s turned! ? and answering Ace?s many questions about his little brother.

Is today the day or is tonight the night?

Now that we are down to the wire, these are my daily thoughts as we try to prepare for our sweet Baby D?s arrival.�Crazy how time has flown by. I am 39 weeks already!

I think having Ace during this pregnancy has truly made it fly.�Being a mommy already, this time around there was much less ?me time? ? and of course it?s all about him, as it should be!�My days are filled with keeping up with an active 5 year old boy and I think I love it just as much as he does!

It truly has gone by so fast. I smile every time I think about meeting our sweet baby, seeing him take his�first breath, looking into his eyes, and holding him close. I have been trying to envision how our lives will be with him ? it?s impossible to know what that will be like, of course, but I keep trying!

Everyone keeps asking if we are ready. Casey and my expressions are about the same when we are asked. We think we are?!�We know you can never be ultimately prepared or ready for the arrival of a little one. We are beyond excited is more�like it, while we try to soak up as much sleep as possible these last few days. Ace is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his little brother too.

He has tested out and checked through all of Baby D?s goods, even sat in his car seat (he squeezed his way into it),�sucked on a binky, tested out a bottle or two, snuggled with some stuffed animals, tried to figure out the breast pump ?�as you can tell, it?s been an adventure.

The other day he asked me if he and Baby D could share a room and�sleep together. He even climbed in his bed to show me how much room Baby D would have ? and it was a bunch!�Thanks to Ace for so generously squeezing all the way over to the edge of the bed. It?s just precious.

He?s had some great�questions too, like, ?What if he has black hair? What if he comes out laughing? What if he comes out and is 15 years old?? Every day he asks how old he will be when Baby D is 4, 5, 99, and on and on with different numbers each time. It?s a�good way to squeeze in some math lessons.

He was most pumped about all the electronics, which shows he?s definitely his daddy?s boy!�Anything with a remote control is his fave. He loves the mirror for the car headrest that he got to pick out that will let�me see the baby. It has lights, music, volume control and of course Ace owns the remote.

As you can tell he?s going to be an�amazing big brother. I?ve been trying to soak up as much time with Ace as possible. We go and do some fun things�that might be on hold when the baby arrives, especially with the temperatures rising. Luckily for me, the weather up here in�the valley in California has been so very good to me. This past week temps just started rising. Yesterday it was in the high 90s! My�stretchy skirts have been a lifesaver as my wardrobe lessens everyday as we ? Baby D and I! ? continue to grow.

My belly is growing at a rapid rate ? I am measuring at 41 cm which my doctor says is right on schedule. We?re so happy to report that he turned and is head down in the right direction! Everyone tells me�my belly is small, but luckily being so tall at 6? 1? there is a lot of surface area for this baby boy to spread out into!

Baby D likes�to shake and rumble within. He?s had the hiccups a couple of times these last few weeks. Talk about wild ? it?s like popcorn popping within and with every pop my belly expands. The one question you try to get used to�answering is, ?How are you feeling?? My reply is, ?Good!? Lately it has been, ?Are you miserable yet??�Luckily my answer is, ?No, not yet.? Stretched to my max? Yes, almost, but nothing to complain about.

I was blessed with an easy pregnancy with Ace and this one has been the same ? we are truly blessed. The worst so�far as been trying to manage heartburn and getting cozy enough to sleep. My boys have taken it easy on me.

I am still trying to exercise and keep moving. It?s getting a little more difficult as my due date approaches, a little bit�physically, but mostly mentally. I try to get myself fired up knowing that it will be awhile after the birth before I can exercise�so I need to enjoy it and get it in while I can now. Some days it works and others it doesn?t!

We are looking forward to having both sets of our parents here for Baby D?s arrival! Mine will be headed up and Casey?s are out West, which is�a huge blessing ? especially this time because we have Ace to take care of and Casey is playing ball and traveling for work. That is probably the toughest part�about professional sports ? especially baseball ? the travel and the fact they play pretty much every night.

We are so beyond grateful for�our parents they have been a huge help and support system for us throughout our lives, Ace?s, and now with Baby D. We could not have�been able to continue to live out our dreams, parenting and both of us playing without all of their tremendous help.

One of the best things�for me was seeing my parents as grandparents ? nothing fills our hearts with greater joy than seeing the amazing relationship�Ace has with our parents. It?s beyond description of how truly special it is!

I?ll say we are pretty much ready to meet our little addition ? Crazy to think we will be a family of four any day now! We have his little�travel/makeshift nursery up and ready. We are anxiously awaiting a beautiful crib and glider that Posh Tots is so generously sending us.�It should be here any day and I can?t wait to see them, they have the most precious beautiful furniture!

I am attempting to put together�my delivery bag for the hospital and I just charged up our video camera and camera. Now I?m just waiting ? enjoying these last few days, resting and most importantly, praying for our sweet Baby D, Ace and for Casey and I as we prepare to meet our precious miracle and newest�Baby Daigle.

? Jennie Finch


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