Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pretty Little Liars: Move Over, Glee! Watch Out, Black Swan!

Pretty Little Liars may be getting their musical or ballet on.

Producers of the hit ABC Family show have not only "talked about" shooting a musical episode, says show creator Marlene King, but...

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"We've actually thought about doing a Black Swan episode because three out of the four Pretty Little Liars are ballet dancers," King says. "We're thinking of maybe incorporating that into the show. They also all sing. They're mutiltalented."

Shay Mitchell, who plays Emily, is all for it. "Love it," she says. "I love dancing, so why not?! Let's do all three?acting, singing and dancing!"

And how fun is it that I got to break the news of a possible musical episode to Lucy Hale. "Are you kidding me?" she says. "This is news to me."

Not that she's against it. "I sang on the show last season, so it would be awesome," Hale says. "Actually, all the girls have really nice voices. We're going to Glee it up on Pretty Little Liars!"

Now, I wanna hear from you. Does Musical Liars sound like a good idea? Does a Black Swan-inspired episode make you jump for joyness? Chime in below.

WATCH: Marc talks Kara DioGuardi in his daily videoblog

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